Other than that, I have a follow up ultrasound appointment scheduled with him on January 4th. He said that he would provide me with my CVR (CCAM volume ratio) at my next appointment. Basically, A CVR less than or equal to 1.6 suggests that the risk of hydrops developing is low. A CVR greater than 1.6 suggests an increased risk of developing hydrops. This number is calculated by taking the length of the CCAM x Height X Width x 0.52/head circumference. Based upon the size of my CCAM, he expects my number to be small. He even said that based upon the size, he expects that there is no reason to think that everything will turn out favorably with this baby. Even though most of this information was already known, it is always nice to have confirmation and it was definitely a relief to hear!
Tomorrow I have my regularly scheduled OB appointment and then we will be ready to enjoy a few weeks off with NO appointments. Hopefully I can enjoy the holidays with my family and take a moment to step away from the concerns that have been plaguing me these last few weeks. When I get back, I will be well rested and ready to take on whatever is thrown our way.
We're so happy to hear the good results of the MRI. I know God is watching over you and baby girl. We're really looking forward to your visit, and the Kowald Christmas. Have a safe trip and we'll see you next week.