Thursday, March 21, 2013

"D Day" Has Been Scheduled

Well, I'm a little late on reporting but a lot has happened since my last blog update in February. Within the last few weeks, I have been feeling a little off and due to my previous experience with preeclampsia, I had a feeling that my old friend was about to make an appearance again. At my Ob appointment on 3/6, my blood pressure was high again (143/97, 154/99, and 135/90). I mentioned to my Ob that I was nauseous, had experienced sharp cramping during the night, my head felt foggy (almost as if I was overly medicated), and I had seen sparkles again. She seemed a bit rushed at this appointment and therefore dismissed my concerns. When I asked her if she was going to order another 24 hour protein check, she said that I had just had my protein checked a week and a half before and while it was on the border of preeclampsia, it was still stable. She continued to say, "Do I think you're going to get preeclampsia? Yes, I know you will. We'll just have to wait and see when it shows up." When I continued to ask her if she was concerned with my bp, she dismissed it as, "high but just mildly high." I then continued to ask her about the feeling that I was experiencing which left me feeling as though I was "out of body", foggy, or just heavily medicated. She asked me if I felt like I had lost control of my body or if I would be able to respond if I told my body what to do. This has been described as the initial feeling people who are experiencing strokes have described prior to the stroke. I confirmed to her that I felt in control of my body and knew I could respond if need be. I was just slow to move/think.
I left my appointment very upset and concerned. As a patient, you want to trust in your healthcare provider's expertise and that they have your best interest at heart at all times. However, I knew that she could not personally know how I felt. I was the only person who could advocate for myself and my baby. I was also conflicted because if I did develop preeclampsia, and had to deliver early, I was worried about the safety of baby girl K. I know that the lungs are not considered to be fully developed until 36 weeks and seeing as though her CCAM was already consuming one lobe, I was afraid that she may not have enough good lung tissue to support life at this point. After a personal vent on FB, many of my friends and family were able to convince me that perhaps my doctor was just having a bad day and that it may be best to call her back in the morning requesting that she order a protein test for my own peace of mind. While I'm typically against any kind of conflict, and typically would not question her expertise, I could not dismiss my feelings and risk our safety. I called my doctor and left a message for her. She called me back almost immediately and told me that she respected my concern given my past history and would order a urine test/blood tests for me to pick up that afternoon. I did just that. Unfortunately, I turned in my 24 hour test on Friday and therefore would have to wait until Monday morning to find out my results. Imagine my surprise on Monday morning when my doctor called me back to say, "Well, as you were probably already expecting, you DO, in fact, have preeclampsia. Your protein was 330 and 300 signifies preeclampsia. We have set your induction date for 3/27 which will put you at 37 weeks." While I knew that things didn't feel right internally, it was a shock to hear her confirm my fears. Additionally, there was the extra stress that we are moving houses on 3/25 (two days before my scheduled induction). Things were about to get crazy!

Over the last few weeks, I've been trying to take things easy to keep my blood pressure down. However, anyone who has a toddler knows that this is almost impossible. With the additional stress of packing/moving, I've been an emotional basket case. Luckily, after discovering my preeclampsia, my doctor did order me to have the baby monitored twice a week to ensure that my preeclampsia was not putting her in distress in any way. These appointments have gone really well. Baby girl's heartrate has been in the 150s and seems to be moving okay. Additionally, my fluid levels have been in the acceptable range. These appointments have also confirmed what I've been feeling. I'm experiencing regular contractions which can mean early labor.

On 3/13, I had my final appointment with my perinatologist. I was 35 weeks and being induced at 37 weeks so I knew I would not need to see Dr. Richards again. At this appointment we received some fabulous news. Dr. R was unable to detect/measure the CCAM during his ultrasound. While I was ecstatic to hear this news, I was also cautiously optimistic. In my CCAM group, I have come across several women who were provided the same news prior to delivery only to have the CT scan (post delivery) reveal that the CCAM was still there, just undetectable by ultrasound. While I don't believe that the CCAM has disappeared altogether, I'm VERY excited to know that it may have shrunk (or at least remained stable) while baby girl has continued to grow. Her odds are getting better and better with every appointment. Additionally, the peri confirmed that she does have plenty of good lung tissue and that none of her other organs have been displaced or impacted by the CCAM. All good news!

Monday, I had my final Ob appointment before delivery. My doctor did check me and confirmed that I'm 2 cm dilated, 50% effaced and a -1 station. My bp was 159/93 and 146/87. Following my appointment, I had my fetal monitoring. My bp was still high (136/97 and 136/90) and they confirmed that my contractions were exactly 3 minutes apart. My Peri happened to stop by during my monitoring and checked my stats. He said that as long as I wasn't uncomfortable and was not feeling the contractions at the time, he felt okay letting me leave. He did say that he wouldn't be surprised if I just went into labor on my own prior to induction day.

So, that brings me to today. . .3/21. I'm currently 4 days away from moving day and 6 days away from my induction. I've been experiencing frequent and regular contractions (about 3 minutes apart) but no other symptoms of early labor. I do have my monitoring later this afternoon so we'll see how that goes. Otherwise, there won't be much to report until later next week. I'm very anxious but it also feels very surreal that a week from now, we will finally be a family of four. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers during delivery. I will be so anxious to hear her first cries which will ensure that she is breathing and in the clear. . .at least until her surgery. Thanks for sharing an interest in our journey. Hopefully, I am able to reach someone out there who may have received the same diagnosis that we were given at our 20 week appointment and is feeling overwhelmed/terrified with the lack of information provided to them.

1 comment:

  1. I love you and you have been dealing with your situation with grace and maturing. I am so proud of you. Next week we will have another little princess to adore and I can't wait. Happy Labor Day, Sweetie!
